Fox Coaching, Inc. was founded by Howard Fox. He is a recovering Information Technology (IT) business consultant who woke up one day and asked himself, "why am I so miserable?"

He soon set-out on a journey to discover how to make a difference in his life, and in the lives of everyone else.



Howard brings knowledge and expertise in five areas to his coaching work. He coaches, trains, and consults to:

  • Business Owners & Professionals in all walks of life to become better leaders.
  • Intact Teams inside organizations to behave and work more cohesively together.
  • Individuals and Teams inside organizations to engage in productive conflict and remove abrasive behavior from the workplace.
  • Business Clients to grow their business by using LinkedIn as a Lead Generation Tool.
  • Individuals to help them make life & career choices that make them happier and more satisfied professionally. 



  • Howard holds an MA in Organization Development and Leadership from Fielding Graduate U. 
  • He is graduate of Fieldingā€™s Accredited Coach Training Program.  
  • He received his undergraduate degree in Psychology and a graduate degree in Public Administration from Wayne State University.
  • His coaching credentials are recognized by the International Coach Federation 

What You Can Expect Working With Howard...

Russ Webster

SaaS Solutions Expert

Howard is an outstanding Executive Coach and a LinkedIn Guru. He has done the heavy lifting on what a profile should look like and how to take it to the next level. Opinions on profiles are abundant and Iā€™m a busy guy, which is why Howard is my go-to source for all things LinkedIn and personal branding. Iā€™ve had the privilege meeting and working with Howard over the last year, and I can tell you heā€™s the real deal. He is honest, helpful, genuine, kind, keen, detailed and talented. He can take any LinkedIn profile, break it into parts, polish each one and then reassemble it into a cohesive story that promotes the individual.

Terri Flynn

Career Coach

Howard Fox has been helping me create and refine my LinkedIn profile. His training webinars and online manual are relatable making it easy to systematically create an impressive profile. The webinars are interactive with Howard and the group members available to offer immediate feedback. Most impressive is Howard's great customer support. He graciously shares his knowledge and resources and willingly helps resolve any issues that arise. I highly recommend hiring Howard for his social media marketing knowledge and LinkedIn webinars. 

Leni Wildflower, PhD, PCC

Executive Coach, Consultant, Auther, Educator

Howard Fox is the "go to" guy for any technical help on how to increase your market, get yourself promoted, and use LinkedIn to its ultimate best advantage.

Dorothy Kuhn

Career Advancement Mentor

I'd known for months that, with two businesses, my LinkedIn page was not serving me. But thanks to Howard's VIP guidance I'm now clear on LinkedIn's hidden/implied structure -- and how to leverage it to work for each business and show them off in a way that people easily "get" what I do.